16 July 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Is the service safe?
We saw assessments of people's capacity to make decisions were completed and that assessments about specific decisions were completed where necessary. This meant the service was now ensuring people and their representatives were involved in making decisions about their care and treatment.
Is the service effective?
People we spoke with told us they were satisfied with the service. One person told us 'They'll do anything for you" and confirmed their care was being provided as planned. We saw care records were up to date.
Is the service caring?
People we spoke with told us they enjoyed using the service. One person said 'I like everything, it's top class'.
Is the service responsive?
We found the service had arranged further training on the Mental Capacity Act since our previous inspection visit in April 2014. This meant staff were kept up to date with knowledge and guidance on consent, capacity and decision making.
Is the service well led?
The manager confirmed that she was aware of recent legal judgements regarding the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and the provider supplied a copy of the guidance given to its services confirming that work would be taking place to ensure DoLS applications were made as required. We found the manager had been undertaking audits of records that included checking whether people's consent had been obtained. The audit carried out in July 2014 confirmed that the majority of people had a completed consent document.