We carried out this inspection to see if the provider had complied with a warning notice served by CQC on 18 June 2014. On 6 November 2014 we found that improvements had been made in relation to the safe support and care and welfare of people.
We considered all the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask; Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led?
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, discussions with people who used the service and with staff who supported them.
If you wish to see the evidence supporting our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
During our inspection we spoke with eight people who used the service. They all told us that they were happy with the service they received and considered that staff met their needs in ways that they preferred. We saw how staff supported people sensitively and discreetly. One person told us, 'It's nice here. The staff are lovely and gentle.' Another person told us, 'The staff are lovely. They make you feel safe.'
We saw four people who used the service being moved using a hoist from one seat to another. We saw that staff were gentle and reassuring. They were mindful of not catching people's head or legs and gave people time to adjust and be comfortable before beginning to move them. Staff told us that they had all now received moving and handling training and that they were confident to move people safely. Training records reflected that staff had all received training with only two exceptions and they were on site on the day of the inspection receiving their training. One person who we saw being moved told us afterwards, 'Yes its ok. Better now.'
We saw how care plans reflected people's dietary requirements and this information was also kept by kitchen staff. Staff told us that they worked with the kitchen staff to ensure people had the food and drink that they liked and what they needed to maintain their health and wellbeing. People who used the service said that they liked the food at the home and one person told us, 'They know what I like and what I can't eat."
We saw that risks were documented and actions were in place to reduce these risks.
Is the service effective?
We found staff were effectively meeting the care and support needs of the people who used the service. We saw care staff respond promptly when call bells sounded and when people asked them directly for support.
We found that people who used the service felt well supported and care plans reflected people's care and support needs. Staff told us that these were useful documents that enabled them to see at a glance the care and support required by each person.
We saw that the care and support of people who used the service was now being effectively planned and delivered. Staff told us that they had read care plans and senior staff told us how they were regularly reviewed to ensure they reflected people's current needs. One person told us that they had sat with staff while they completed their plan. They told us, 'They asked me how I like to be looked after.'
Is the service caring?
At the time of our last inspection on 9 June 2014 we found that not everyone was treated with dignity. At the time of this inspection we saw how improvements had been made that had had a positive impact on the people who used the service.
We saw that all staff had received training in relation to dignity. We also saw that, as a team, they had identified what dignity meant to them. We saw that each staff member now carried a card with them with this information on it. Staff were very proud of their cards and said how they had made positive changes as a result of revisiting the core values of care. During this inspection we saw people being treated with dignity and respect. Changes had also been made to the environment to ensure better privacy for people when using communal bathrooms. This showed how the provider had acted upon our previous findings and invested in both the staff and the layout of the home to ensure people's needs were met appropriately.
Is the service responsive?
At the time of our last inspection we were told that sometimes people had to wait to be supported. The people who spoke with us during this inspection said that they received prompt support. The manager and area manager told us how they had reviewed call bell response times to ensure everyone was attended to in a timely way. Staff told us that, although they were busy, they responded to support people as soon as they were made aware that they needed support. We saw that people who were in their beds had their call bells to hand should they need assistance. People who could not use these had regular checks. Staff who spoke with us knew who these people were and said that they received regular checks.
Records also showed that people's needs were being met and that appropriate checks were taking place and being recorded to monitor support and care needs.
We saw how audits that had been carried out by the manager and senior managers had been responded to. We saw that actions taken had been recorded to demonstrate that they had acted upon requirements made.
Is the service well-led?
The staff who spoke with us at the time of this inspection all felt well supported by senior staff and managers. They said that they had regular supervision and monitoring. The registered manager told us how they spent time every day walking round the home, speaking with people and observing practice. We saw that senior managers also did this as part of their monitoring visits. Records also showed that they spoke with people who used the service and staff.
We saw that audits were in place to monitor the development and review of care plans and also to check working practices. We saw that when audits had been completed actions had been identified and delegated to staff members for completion. We saw how these records were also being audited by senior managers.
Staff who spoke with us said that communication was good and we saw information provided to care and kitchen staff to ensure people's needs were met throughout the day.