31 January 2013
During a routine inspection
People using the service were protected from abuse as they were supported by a staff team who had appropriate knowledge and training on safeguarding adults. We spoke to staff and reviewed records which showed us that people were protected from abuse and that their care was planned and delivered in a respectful and safe way. This included appropriate arrangements to manage people's finances safely.
Staff we spoke to and records we reviewed, demonstrated that staff were suitably experienced and skilled to support people living in the home. A staff member told us "this the best job I have had, I get a lot of satisfaction from working here.'
We spoke with three relatives. They all told us that members of staff were kind and supportive. However, two relatives told us they had not been happy with the level of service provided. They had raised some of these concerns with members of staff and whilst they initially got resolved, the same concerns arose again. One relative we spoke with was happy with the service provided.