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LIM Independent Living and Community Care Services Limited

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

3 Foxley Road, Thornton Heath, Surrey, CR7 7DX (020) 8664 9040

Provided and run by:
Lim Independent Living & Community Care Services Ltd

Report from 12 July 2024 assessment

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Updated 22 August 2024

We assessed all of the quality statements within this key question. Our rating for this question has improved to Good. The service was now managed well. The registered manager had improved their understanding of their role and responsibilities and demonstrated compliance with regulatory requirements. Governance systems had been improved and there was better oversight of the safety and quality of the care and support provided to people. The management team regularly checked the quality and safety of the care and support provided to people and any issues identified were acted on and used to support staff to improve their working practices. Staff and the management team understood their responsibility to provide people with safe, high quality care in line with the service’s vision and values. Staff were provided fair and equal opportunity at work and were valued and respected. There was a culture of openness and honesty and people and staff could raise concerns without fear of what might happen. The service worked proactively with partners to support people to experience positive outcomes in relation to their needs. Feedback was sought from people and staff about how the service could be improved. Feedback was used, with other learning, to make improvements to the service when this was required.

This service scored 75 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Shared direction and culture

Score: 3

Staff were aware of and adhered to the services’ vision and values.

The management team made sure staff were focussed on the vision and values of the service. They used supervision meetings with staff to discuss the vision and values of the service and how staff were achieving these aims through their role. The management team undertook spot checks to observe staff practice and make sure that staff were focussed on delivering high quality care and support to people which met their individual needs and rights.

Capable, compassionate and inclusive leaders

Score: 3

Staff felt well supported by their manager. They felt their manager was open and approachable. They felt they provided clear leadership and were available should they require any advice.

The management team had a clear understanding of the priorities for the service and how these would be achieved. They were proactive making improvements when required, to improve the safety and quality of the service. The management team used outcomes from audits and checks to support staff to learn and improve in their role. This meant any poor practice could be dealt with quickly. The management team undertook regular and relevant training to ensure they were up to date with current practice.

Freedom to speak up

Score: 3

Staff were aware of whistleblowing procedures and told us, “I would whistleblow if I needed to. If I see anything wrong I have to go and report it.” Staff were confident that any concerns raised would be listened to and acted upon.

Staff were encouraged to speak up and share any concerns they had about the workplace. Staff were provided with the service’s safeguarding and whistleblowing policies which informed them about their responsibility to share and report concerns and how these would be dealt with by the service. The management team used supervision meetings to discuss any concerns staff may have and staff were encouraged to speak freely at these without fear of what might happen.

Workforce equality, diversity and inclusion

Score: 3

Staff felt their needs were respected and there was a good work life balance. The staff we spoke with hoped to continue working with the service and to build their client base as the service grows. The management team understood the importance of a fair and inclusive workplace for staff. The registered manager told us, “I make sure staff get paid on time and spread the work so that all the staff get equal amount of work. We talk to staff and encourage a culture of teams and staff working as part of teams.” The quality manager said, “Our diversity training is important and reminds staff that we have a duty to work fairly with everyone.”

The management team promoted a workplace that was fair and inclusive. Staff were provided support through relevant equalities training to inform their knowledge and understanding of inclusivity and fairness in the workplace.

Governance, management and sustainability

Score: 3

Staff confirmed the registered manager checked the quality of their work, to ensure service delivery was in line with people’s care and support plans and staff adhered to the services’ policies and procedures. Staff told us, “Someone comes out to spot check us and check on things.” And “Every month [the registered manager] checks on my work.”

The majority of the service’s policies and procedures were current however we saw two policies related to safeguarding and diversity, equality inclusion that were not dated. This meant it was not clear if these were in line with current guidance and best practice. The registered manager took action after our visit to address this and ensure these were dated and reflected current guidance and best practice. The management team checked and audited the quality and safety of the care and support provided to people. Issues identified through these checks were acted on and used to support staff to improve their working practices. The registered manager now better understood and demonstrated compliance with regulatory requirements. They also understood their responsibility to provide honest information, suitable support and to apply duty of candour where appropriate.

Partnerships and communities

Score: 3

People were involved in the development of the service and the management team asked for their views and opinions about service delivery. People and relatives were sent questionnaires to evaluate the service and these were analysed to inform service development.

Staff felt listened to and involved in the service. They told us they had regular meetings to discuss the service and this gave them the opportunity to discuss any changes required to service delivery. Staff also said they felt able to work in partnership with the management team in order to meet people’s needs and ensure a safe, cohesive working environment. One staff member said, “If I have any concerns with my clients behaviour then I raise that with my manager and she discusses it with him.”

A partner agency told us, “The management team always ask for feedback on ways the service can develop to make it more sustainable for people.” Partners confirmed the registered manager worked well with them. The registered manager had taken on board feedback and a partner agency told us, the registered manager had “worked hard and worked well” to make the necessary improvements since our last assessment. This had improved practice particularly regarding the quality of documentation, medicines management and safeguarding procedures.

Arrangements were in place to work proactively with partners and seek their guidance and recommendations to support people in achieving positive outcomes and experiences. The management team met with healthcare professionals to share learning and experiences about the delivery of people’s care and support. This was then shared with the staff team through supervision and team meetings, to help them improve their practice and deliver high quality care and support to people.

Learning, improvement and innovation

Score: 3

Staff told us they were always learning and improving their practice. This was achieved through regular training, supervision and staff meetings. They also worked with their colleagues and the registered manager to ensure people experienced high quality care that was tailored to their needs.

The management team obtained feedback from people, staff and relatives to help the service learn and improve. People and relatives were asked for their views through surveys and telephone monitoring calls. The management team used spot checks on staff to identify any issues or quality concerns and used the learning from these to make improvements to the quality and safety of the care and support provided to people.