25 October 2013
During a routine inspection
We spoke with three care staff and the temporary manager. There was no registered manager at the time of our inspection. We saw the agency had a safeguarding policy and staff were able to explain the actions they would take if they had any concerns. The people we spoke with told us they had no concerns regarding any safeguarding issues. One person told us 'Yes I feel safe. They are both nice'
We found there were procedures in place to ensure appropriate checks were completed before staff started working. We saw the agency provided a supportive environment for staff to deliver care to people using the service. We looked at care plans; records of care provided and staff records. These contained all the relevant information and were stored securely. We found there was sufficient qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. We saw there was an electronic duty roster system, which detailed the planned cover for the agency. We found there were arrangements in place to manage short term absences through the reallocation of staff with capacity, the use of overtime and the agency's own bank staff. We saw there was an effective quality assurance system in place and people who use the service were asked for their views about their care and treatment they received.