Updated 28 September 2017
Addaction is one of the UK’s largest specialist treatment charities for drug, alcohol and mental health issues. They have 120 individual contracts across the UK, 63 of which are in England. Addaction Rugby provides one such individual contract. As part of the local commissioning agreement, the service operates under the name The Recovery Partnership. The service is closely linked with four other Addaction services in the Coventry and Warwickshire area, all of whom operate as The Recovery Partnership. The service in Warwickshire is commissioned and funded by the local authority.
Addaction Rugby shares a registered manager with the three other Addaction services in Warwickshire. The Coventry and Warwickshire Addaction services share senior clinicians, senior managers and specialist role such as data officer, hepatitis C worker, engagement worker and housing worker. Addaction Rugby provides a community substance misuse service to adults who have drug and alcohol related problems. They provide one to one interventions and group work, treatment and support including detox, a needle exchange and a substitute prescribing service.
They provide harm reduction information, issue the emergency opioid overdose medication kits Naloxone and administer hepatitis vaccinations. Staff also provide training and learning opportunities for other organisations working with clients who have substance misuse issues. Figures for June 2016 indicate the service was supporting 230 clients in total. Addaction Rugby offers a service from 9am – 5pm Monday to Friday. They have extended opening hours to 7pm each Wednesday. The building is situated in the centre of the town and is easily accessed by public transport. There is a small green area to the front, a free car park to the rear and a large municipal park within a few minutes walk of the building. Staff will carry out home visits if this is deemed best for the client and can make home visits if there are children in the household.
The service uses recovery champions who are ex-clients and volunteers to facilitate mutual aid partnership meetings, peer support and group sessions. Volunteer roles are designed to fit the needs of the volunteer and the service, so a volunteer may help with administration if this works best for both parties. Addaction Rugby provides a service to the town of Rugby and the surrounding rural areas. Some people refer themselves to Addaction, some are referred by other
organisations such as their GP or social services, and others are required to use the service as part of a court order.
The service is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide:
1. Diagnostic and screening procedures
2. Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
The service was last inspected in July 2016. We found that there were three breaches in regulations. We also found areas of service provision that the organisation should take steps to improve.