7 July 2017
During a routine inspection
The home provides residential care for up to eight people with learning disabilities. It is located in the Twickenham area.
At the time of our inspection the home had a registered manager. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
At the last inspection in April 2015 the home met all the key questions and were rated good in each with an overall good rating.
People using the service and a relative said that the home provided a nice place to live and they were very happy there, especially with the way that staff treated and supported them. People chose the activities they wanted to do and when they wished to do them. There was a good choice of home and community based activities available. People felt safe living at Lion Road and using the facilities that were available in the local community. The home had a warm and welcoming atmosphere that was friendly and inclusive. People’s body language and their interaction with staff and each other was positive throughout our visits.
The records kept by the home were accessible, up to date and covered all aspects of the care and support people received and were regularly reviewed. This included peoples’ care plans that contained information about their choices, activities and safety. This information helped staff to perform their duties efficiently and professionally, although they already had a lot of knowledge about each person. People using the service and their relatives were encouraged to discuss health needs with staff and had access to GP’s and other community based health professionals. People were supported by staff to choose healthy meal options and maintain balanced diets whilst meeting their likes, dislikes and preferences. This helped protect them from nutrition and hydration associated risks. People told us they liked the choice and quality of their meals.
People were very familiar with the staff who supported them, they were well supported and enjoyed the way staff delivered care to them. The staff were skilled and provided care and support in a professional, friendly way that focussed on people as individuals. Staff said they enjoyed working at the home and had received good training and support from the registered manager.
A relative said the management team was approachable, responsive and listened to them. People said they liked the registered manager. The quality of the service provided was consistently monitored and assessed.