Dimensions 43, Clayhill Road is a residential care home for up to six people with a learning disability. Some people may also have needs within the autistic spectrum. The service has two floors and people’s bedrooms were on both the ground and first floors.At the last inspection, the service was rated Good, with Requires improvement (no breach) in Safe.
At this inspection we found the service remained Good and improvements had been made so that the service was also rated Good in Safe.
The service met all of the fundamental standards. People felt safe, well cared for and that they were treated with respect and dignity. We could see from people’s body language and facial expressions that interactions with staff were relaxed, friendly and respectful. Long term positive relationships with staff had also contributed to a reduction in instances of challenging behaviour. Staff were caring and treated people with patience and kindness, involving them in their care as much as possible, enabling and encouraging choice.
People were safe because staff understood how to keep them safe and acted appropriately. Identified risks to people and from the environment or equipment were minimised through effective risk assessments and actions were taken to address them.
People received their medicines as prescribed because the service had an effective system to manage these on people’s behalf.
A robust staff recruitment process helped ensure staff were suitably skilled and had the right caring approach to work with vulnerable adults. Staff received a detailed induction and thorough ongoing training They received ongoing support through one to one supervision, annual appraisals and periodic team meetings.
Staff communicated effectively about people’s needs and it was hoped the new recording system being introduced would further enhance this and effective record keeping.
People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible. The policies and systems in the service supported this practice. Their legal rights and freedom were protected and their consent was sought before support was provided. People were involved in choosing their meals, shopping and preparation as much as they wished and received a varied and nutritious diet. Their healthcare needs were met effectively.
The provider had already carried out some adaptation to the premises to meet people’s changing needs and was continually reviewing this to meet future needs. Equality and diversity needs were addressed appropriately and people were able to express their individuality. The service complied with the Accessible Information Standard and relevant documents were available in formats to support people’s understanding of them.
People’s care needs were kept under regular review and changes were made when necessary. Appropriate assistive technology was used to support people’s needs. The service liaised effectively with external health professionals to ensure people’s healthcare needs were met.
People led fulfilling lives because they had access to a wide range of appropriate activities, community resources and events.
The service was well managed. Management had effective systems of governance to ensure its proper operation. Stakeholder’s views about the service had been sought and acted upon.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.