• Dentist
  • Dentist

Moor Park Dental Practice

67 Garstang Road, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 1LB (01772) 555453

Provided and run by:
Mr Ishtiyaq Shaikh

Important: The provider of this service changed. See old profile

We served a warning notice on Mr Ishtiyaq Shaikh on 2 April 2024 for failing to meet the regulation related to good governance at Moor Park Dental Practice.

Report from 9 May 2024 assessment

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Regulations met

Updated 28 May 2024

We found this practice was providing safe care in accordance with the relevant regulations. The provider had made improvements in relation to the regulatory breaches we found at our inspection on 20 March 2024.

Find out what we look at when we assess this area in our information about our new Single assessment framework.

Learning culture

Regulations met

The judgement for Learning culture is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Regulations met

The judgement for Safe systems, pathways and transitions is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.


Regulations met

The judgement for Safeguarding is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Involving people to manage risks

Regulations met

The judgement for Involving people to manage risks is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.

Safe environments

Regulations met

Staff and leaders told us of the systems in place to manage risks for patients, staff, equipment and the premises. At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The provider had taken action to mitigate risks to the health and safety of service users receiving care and treatment. In particular: A fire risk assessment had been undertaken and the recommendations acted on. Oversight and management of Legionella risks was now in place. Medical emergency arrangements were now in line with Resuscitation Council UK guidance. There were systems to ensure equipment was serviced at the recommended intervals. We highlighted this was not documented for other staff to action in the event of the manager not being present. They confirmed this would be addressed and rectified. The practice had also made further improvements: Staff were in the process of risk assessing the storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances to ensure these were used in line with manufacturer’s instructions.

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: We observed previously loose flooring had been stuck down to prevent trips and falls We saw additional smoke detectors had been installed in the premises in line with recommendations made in the fire risk assessment, and rechargeable torches had been introduced as an interim source of emergency lighting. We saw medical emergency medicines and equipment were accessible to staff. The medical emergency oxygen tank was of sufficient size to be in line with Resuscitation Council UK guidance.

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: A sharps risk assessment was in place with clear processes displayed to follow in the event of a sharps incident. There were effective processes for flushing unused taps, monitoring the temperature and quality of water in the practice in line with guidance on the control of Legionella. Processes for checking smoke detectors and fire extinguishers were in place and completed by staff. Processes to check medical emergency medicines and equipment had been improved to identify and remove expired items in accordance with national guidance.

Safe and effective staffing

Regulations met

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: Recruitment policies were in place and leaders were aware of the need to follow these and maintain records of staff recruitment in all cases. Staff had access to appropriate safeguarding information and all staff had received appropriate training to recognise safeguarding issues. Safeguarding information was also displayed for patients. Leaders had obtained evidence of immunity to Hepatitis B for clinical staff and action taken where staff did not have adequate immunity.

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: A sharps risk assessment was in place with clear processes displayed to follow in the event of a sharps incident. There were effective processes for flushing unused taps, monitoring the temperature and quality of water in the practice in line with guidance on the control of Legionella. Processes for checking smoke detectors and fire extinguishers were in place and completed by staff. Processes to check medical emergency medicines and equipment had been improved to identify and remove expired items in accordance with national guidance.

Infection prevention and control

Regulations met

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: Systems had been changed to ensure environmental cleaning improved taking into account guidelines issued by the Department of Health – Health Technical Memorandum 01-05: Decontamination in primary care dental practices and current national specifications for cleanliness in the NHS.

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice appeared clean and there was an effective schedule in place to ensure it was kept clean. We saw the cleanliness of the premises had improved. Sticky residue from previously placed tape had been removed from dental chairs to ensure these could be cleaned effectively.

At the assessment on 21 May 2024 we found the practice had made the following improvements to comply with the regulations: The practice had infection control procedures which reflected published guidance and the equipment in use. Daily cleaning schedules were now in place to ensure effective cleaning of the practice environment including dental chairs, overhead lights and X-ray equipment. The practice completed Infection prevention and control (IPC) audits in line with current guidance.

Medicines optimisation

Regulations met

The judgement for Medicines optimisation is based on the latest evidence we assessed for the Safe key question.