14 March 2013
During a routine inspection
Staff told us that people were appropriately positioned so that scans could be effectively carried out. People's questions were answered by staff. One person told us that staff were 'reassuring' and that they were 'happy' with the service that they received from the centre.
Staff had attended training on safeguarding and staff knew what to do in the event of concerns for a person's welfare. There were nominated leads for safeguarding vulnerable adults and children and a flow chart on the safeguarding process was available.
Staff had attended relevant training including radiography courses. The radiographers work was supervised by the registered manager and the referring dentists. Staff were appraised on their performance annually, during which their learning objectives and goals were identified.
Satisfaction surveys were carried out on an annual basis. Feedback was also obtained from people via online feedback forms.
Health and safety and infection control audits were carried out in order to ensure the safety of the premises. There were local rules for the X-ray machines and results were audited six-monthly for quality.