29 September 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
This was because some care and support we looked at plans contained insufficient information about the actions care workers had to take to meet people's needs. For example they contained none contained information about how people's oral hygiene or foot care was to be provided. We also found some people's plans lacked information about what action care workers had to take when individuals lacked capacity to understand risks to themselves and declined to accept help set out in their care and support plans that was necessary to ensure their welfare.
On this occasion we saw this essential information had been included in people's care and support plans. However we did find that not all personal records kept about people who used were complete and accurate.
During our inspection we looked at a random sample of 10 care and support plans. We also spoke with the service's acting manager and a care co-ordinator who helped develop care plans with people who used the service.
The evidence we gathered against the outcome we inspected helped us answer our key question.
Is the service safe?
Below is a summary of what we found.
If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read our full report.
Is the service safe?
The service is not as safe as it could be.
Arrangements were in place that enabled the support and help people required to be planned and delivered in a way that ensured their safety and welfare. However people were not always protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because information about them was not always complete and accurate. A compliance action has been made in relation to this and we have asked the provider to tell us how they intend to improve.