The agency was newly registered and they had only a few people who used their service. We spoke with two people and the manager of a care home where care staff from the agency sometimes worked in. They informed us that they were satisfied with the care provided by care staff and people had been treated with respect and dignity. Their views can be summarised by the following comment from a person who use the service, 'I am extremely happy with the carers provided. They treat me with respect and are reliable. They do what is agreed, sometimes more.'Four staff we spoke with were aware of the importance of treating people with respect and dignity regardless of their backgrounds. They were able to give us examples of how they maintained the privacy of people while providing care for them. The care provided had been assessed and care plans prepared. Risk assessments were in place. People said they had been consulted regarding the care provided and their choices had been responded to.
The agency had suitable arrangements for ensuring that people were safeguarded and protected from abuse. Staff had been provided with training in safeguarding people and other appropriate training to enable them to perform their duties. Supervision and support were available to them.
Arrangements for quality assurance were in place. Quality monitoring visits to people had been carried out and this was confirmed by people.