During this inspection we found that staff knew the people living at 18-20 Antelope Way very well and that they supported them in way that encouraged their independence and respected their privacy and dignity.We found that although staff encouraged involvement from people and their families in making decisions about their care, not all staff were aware of their responsibilities in relation to capacity assessments and making best interest decisions.
The care plans and other information showed that people's needs were assessed and staff were given the information they required to meet people's needs. The relative of one person told us, "The staff are good at everything, they know (name) very well and he has come on leaps and bounds since living there".
All staff had received training in safeguarding vulnerable adults and policies and information was available so that they knew who to contact if they suspected anyone had suffered any abuse.
The manager had discussed with staff how they could establish a system to seek people's views on the quality of the service. However at the time of the inspection this had not yet been put in place.