9 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. If you wish to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe?
People who lived at Hardwick Dene told us they were well looked after and felt safe. Relatives we spoke with had no concerns about safeguarding. The provider had a safeguarding policy and procedure in place and staff had received training in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. People's care records showed that care and treatment was planned in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. One person told us, "I feel quite safe and have no concerns."
Is the service effective?
We observed working practice during the day. Care was provided at a time when people required it. Team working was strong and we saw there were effective working relationships with a range of health care professionals. One relative told us, "Staff communicate very well and I am able to discuss any concerns or issues."
Is the service caring?
We saw that there was a good rapport between staff and people who used the service. Staff spent time with people and understood their needs. We observed staff treating people compassionately when they became distressed or confused. One person told us, "Everyone is very kind."
Is the service responsive?
We observed that staff responded quickly and appropriately to situations that occurred. Staff were proactive in asking people what they needed throughout the day. People who lived at Hardwick Dene and their relatives and friends spoke favourably about the care provided. One relative commented, "The staff are friendly and accessible. They are very caring."
Is the service well led?
There were systems in place to manage and monitor the service. We found that staff were well supported and enjoyed their work. Records were easy to access and there was evidence that information was used to make improvements when required. This ensured that people received a good quality service.