13 November 2013
During a routine inspection
People and their representatives told us they were satisfied with the service provided. They said, 'I like the staff. They are all alright with me.' and, 'They (the staff) are very caring people. They've been very helpful.' A social worker told us they were impressed with the skills and competence of staff: 'Their communication skills are very good. They are particularly good at supporting people with more complex or challenging needs.'
We found that people's care was planned and delivered to meet their needs. This included maintaining their privacy, dignity and independence.
Relatives told us they felt people were safe using the service. We found that staff had appropriate training and guidance about recognising and responding to abuse or allegations of abuse. We saw that individual and environmental risks were identified, assessed and managed to ensure people's safety and welfare.
We found that the quality of the service provided was regularly assessed and monitored. This included asking people using the service and staff for their views. We saw that action was taken to make changes and improvements where needed.