27 October 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Visitors were received in a safe and appropriate manner. Upon entry to the service visitors’ temperatures were checked and people’s contact details recorded for track and trace purposes. Signs were in place requesting staff and visitors adhere to government guidance with respect to personal protective equipment (PPE) and to be mindful about the potential to bring Covid-19 into the service. PPE was supplied to visitors should they need it. Staff were observed wearing appropriate PPE during our visit and had received training in its use. At the time of the inspection relatives were not permitted to visit due to present local Covid-19 risk, though the provider had previously admitted relatives and had facilitated garden visits with social distancing in place. The provider hoped to restore these visits when deemed safe to do so. People were able to communicate with family through alternative means such as video calls.
People and staff were tested for Covid-19 and the provider supported them should they test positive for Covid-19. The provider worked with people and their relatives to maximise the uptake in testing and overcome people refusing tests. New admissions were supported in line with best practice guidance and the provider was able to support people in isolation.
Where people found difficulty with face covering, the provider had sourced face shields and alternative means by which to support people see staff faces. They were aware of impact staff wearing face coverings could have on communication with people living with dementia.
The home was using one unit as a designated setting. A designated setting is an area where people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and have been discharged from hospital can be separated and segregated from others for the required isolation period, before being moved on to their homes or other care settings. This unit was staffed separately from the rest of the care home and there were robust procedures in place to ensure risk of infection were minimised.
We were assured that this service met good infection prevention and control guidelines as a designated care setting.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.