Updated 24 September 2024
Date of assessment: 26 September to 16 October 2024. This was a responsive assessment to follow up on concerns relating to the management of people’s risks and the management of staff. People’s care requirements and risks had been assessed and information for staff was accessible on the provider’s new care management system. Staff understood people’s needs and they recorded the care they provided. Care plans were in place and gave staff guidance on how to meet people’s needs, however, staff would benefit from more detailed guidance on the management of people’s risks and the early warning signs of declining healthy. We found some inconsistencies in how people’s medicine administration records were maintained. People told us they felt safe being supported by staff. Staff were clear about reporting any concerns to their managers, although, they were not familiar with external agencies, who also have responsibilities to safeguard people and with whom they could also report concerns to. Staff had received the training required to carry out their role. However, safe recruitment practices were not always followed. Effective systems were not being used to ensure the delivery of care was in line with the provider’s standards. Not all staff felt supported in their role, and some had experienced some inequalities in their support and working hours. Prior to this assessment, the registered manager had identified and was addressing staff’s concerns about the culture of the service, communication and some of the provider’s processes.