20 June 2017
During a routine inspection
There was a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run. The registered manager and the provider was the same person. The registered manager was not present on the day of the inspection as she was supporting people on holiday. Instead we were supported by a manger from another of the Providers service
At the last inspection on 15 May 2015, the service was rated Good. At this inspection we found the service remained Good.
Why the service is rated Good
People were safe because staff understood risks involved in people’s care and took action to minimise these risks. There were sufficient staff on duty to ensure that people received the care they needed and to keep people safe. Staff understood their roles and responsibilities in keeping people safe and protecting them from harm and abuse. The registered manager carried out appropriate pre-employment checks before staff started work.
Medicines were managed, stored and administered safely. Accidents and incidents were recorded and reviewed with a plan in place to minimise the risk of them occurring again.
People’s care was provided by regular staff that knew their needs well and provided support in a consistent way. Staff had access to the induction, training and support they needed to do their jobs. People’s choices and views were respected. Care was provided in the least restrictive way to people.
People were supported to eat food they enjoyed and were encouraged to maintain a healthy diet. Staff were aware of dietary restrictions involved in people’s care. People’s health and well being were managed as they had access to the appropriate health and social care professionals. People who had on-going conditions were supported to see specialist healthcare professionals regularly.
People enjoyed living at the home and had developed positive relationships with staff. Staff treated people with respect and maintained their privacy and dignity. People were supported to maintain relationships with their friends and families and were able to invite guests whenever they wished. People were encouraged to be independent and were supported by staff to learn and develop new skills.
People and their relatives were encouraged to give their views about the service they received and the registered manager responded positively to feedback. People had access to activities they enjoyed and had opportunities to enjoy an active social life. People were involved in their local community.
The registered manager provided good leadership for the service. They were experienced in their role and communicated well with people, relatives and staff. Staff felt valued and had access to support and advice from the registered manager if they needed it. Staff shared important information about people’s needs effectively. Team meetings were used to ensure staff provided consistent care that reflected good practice.
The registered manager’s quality monitoring checks ensured people received safe and effective care and support. Staff worked co-operatively with other professionals to ensure people received the care and treatment they needed. Records were well organised and up to date.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.