28 May 2014
During a routine inspection
Below is a summary of what we found. The summary describes what we observed, the records we looked at and what people using the service, their relatives and the staff told us. If you want to see the evidence that supports our summary please read the full report.
Is the service safe? Yes, we judged the service was safe.
People we spoke with were positive about the staff who worked at Green Light PBS. People told us staff ,were, were professional and supportive. For example, one person said “the staff are very nice, they are very good.”
The staff we spoke with said they had confidence in colleagues’ practices. For example, we were told “This is one of the better services of this type that I have worked at. There is a good culture. It is friendly and a happy, working environment.”
The service had a well organised medication system. The system was well managed and regularly audited. Records were accurate and up to date.
Is the service effective? Yes we judged the service was effective.
People all had individual support plans, which set out their care and support needs. Support plans contained satisfactory information and were accessible to staff. People said staff met their relatives’ needs and responded promptly when they needed assistance. People said they had access to doctors, community psychiatric nurses, psychiatrists, chiropodists and opticians.
Is the service caring?
Yes we judged the service was caring. Relatives and allied professionals of people who used the service said they were happy with how the service supported people and found the staff to be professional and helpful. A social worker told us “it is brilliant, I have no concerns.”
From our conversations with people who had experience of the service and a review of the records we assessed, we judged that individual wishes and needs were taken into account and respected.
Is the service responsive? Yes we judged the service was responsive.
Everyone we spoke with said the staff treated people with respect and dignity.People told us and we saw from records that people were able to be involved in many activities including kayaking, swimming and community clubs with the support of staff. From our conversations with relatives, management, staff and other professionals we formed the view that the service were diligent about ensuring they could meet the changing social and support needs of each person they supported. There was a clear recognition that the majority of people supported were young adults and had a desire and a right to be supported in a way that provided freedom to live their own lives.
Is the service well-led? Yes we judged the service was well led.
Staff, relatives and allied professionals were all positive about the management of the service. People told us the management would listen and were supportive. Green Light PBS had a system to check people were happy with the service. This included systems of survey and audit. There was a system to monitor accidents and incidents. People’s personal care records, and other records kept in the home, were accurate and complete.