We spoke to four patients who had one type of procedure carried out in the Surgicare Manchester clinic. One said: "I've been very happy with the care and attention I have had. The staff were calm, considerate and upbeat." Another patient said: "I am completely satisfied. The treatment achieved what I wanted."Patients generally had a consultation with the surgeon, and care after the procedure, at the Surgicare clinic in Manchester. The surgical procedure itself was carried out at a hospital in Bromsgrove which is run by a related company.
At Surgicare Manchester we found there were good processes for obtaining and recording patients' consent to the proposed treatment. We found that the pre-operative medical notes were detailed and thorough, but that one part of the declaration the patient was required to sign was potentially misleading.
We found there was a good system of caring for patients before and after the procedure, and that the staff were sensitive and sympathetic to patients' needs.
We were satisfied that there were effective recruitment processes to ensure that suitable and qualified staff were appointed. We found that the complaints policy was available for patients and that the procedure for dealing with formal complaints was adequate. We considered that informal complaints should be recorded.
We found there was inadequate training about safeguarding. Staff did not all know what signs of potential abuse to look for.