13 July 2017
During a routine inspection
The inspection was unannounced and was carried out on 13 and 25 July 2017 by one inspector.
There was a registered manager in place. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the home. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the home is run.
Due to leadership changes within the service, some of the management functions had slipped. Record keeping was not always accurate, up to date and easily accessible. Systems were in place to monitor and assess the quality and safety of the home, however these were not always implemented. Staff had not been receiving regular supervision. Some of the records relating to the management of medicines were not being maintained in line with the provider’s policies and procedures.
Safe recruitment procedures were in place and sufficient staff were deployed.
Individual and environmental risks relating to people’s health and welfare had been identified and assessed to reduce those risks. Regular safety checks were carried out on the environment and equipment to keep people safe. Plans were in place to manage emergencies and personal evacuation plans were in place for people.
People and staff told us they felt the home was safe. Staff had received safeguarding training and explained the action they would take to report any concerns.
People’s rights were protected because staff understood the principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and ensured decisions were made in people’s best interests. The registered manager understood the deprivation of liberty safeguards and had submitted requests for authorisation when required. Other notifications were submitted to the commission when required.
Staff were skilled in communicating with people in a way that met their needs, such as reading body language, pictures and symbols which helped them to reach informed decisions.
Staff understood the importance of empowering people to make choices and take control of their lives and build confidence, self-esteem and achieve positive outcomes.
People were provided with sufficient food and drink to meet their specific dietary needs. People were supported to maintain their health and well-being and had access to health professionals when required.
Staff were kind and caring, treated people with dignity and respect and ensured their privacy was maintained.
There was a positive, supportive and open culture within the home. Staff were positive about working at Rose Cottage and felt very well supported by the registered manager. Staff felt listened to and involved in the development of the service.
People were encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities, both at home and in the community, which increased their skills and independence.
Relatives and care professionals had opportunities to share their views and help drive improvement. Complaints procedures were available and any concerns were appropriately addressed.