We spoke with six patients who used the service during our visit. They told us they were treated with care and respect. One patient told us 'The staff talk to me politely.' Another patient told us the staff made them feel welcome and they were polite and friendly. Patients told us that their privacy was always maintained, and the doctor was not disturbed during their appointment.Patients told us they felt involved in their care. One patient told us 'The GP listens and I am able to discuss problems with him and I feel involved with all decisions about treatment.' Another patient said 'I feel comfortable and they don't force me into anything, nice feeling and my dignity is respected.' However, one patient described their experience and as a result they felt that they hadn't been listened to.
We saw that the practice was clean and tidy, and systems were in place to reduce the risk and spread of infection.
We looked at staff recruitment and saw that appropriate checks were undertaken before staff began work.
The registered provider had systems in place for monitoring the quality of service provision. There was an system for obtaining opinions from patients about the standards of the services they received. This meant that on-going improvements could be made by the practice staff. However, not everyone was happy with the service they received, as several patients felt they had to wait too long when booking an appointment with the GP.