We spoke with the GP, the practice nurse, reception staff and two healthcare professionals who worked in liaison with the practice. We were told that a patients' participation group is currently being set up. We spoke with ten patients from the practice. One patient told us, 'I've been a patient for over 20 years. My wife is also a patient. I get on well with the doctor, he always has time and is interested.' Some other comments made by patients included, ' Clean surgery. Old building, looks nice' and ' I'm happy with the way staff approach me. They all know me. They are interested in me.'
We found that good communication and referral pathways existed between the medical practice and other healthcare professionals. Patients confirmed that the GP had supported them throughout the referral process. We saw evidence of guidance in place to protect vulnerable adults and children and saw that communication with the safeguarding teams had taken place when concerns had been raised about either children or vulnerable adults.
We observed systems in place to assess and monitor infection control at the practice. We saw that some audits had taken place and that some further development was required in relation to audits and guidance. The provider may like to note that we observed some damage to the ceiling in the telephone room on the first floor.
We reviewed one complaint and noted that the complaints process had been followed as identified by the provider.