People spoke in positive terms about the quality of care provided by experienced care staff they knew. However, strong concerns were raised by most people regarding the frequency and high number of missed calls. One person told us, 'I can't fault the carers. They are so kind and are always willing to listen. I just wish the manager did.' A relative told us, 'The girls are brilliant and know what I need. It's just a shame that they're always being pulled from pillar to post.'We found that the staff had received proper safeguarding training but the provider had not responded appropriately to incidents of neglect.
Staff we spoke with had a good knowledge regarding the medicines being taken by the people they supported. They knew what medicines were required, the times they needed to be taken and how to support people taking them safely.
People were cared for and supported by suitably qualified, skilled and experienced staff because the provider had an effective recruitment and selection process. We found that personal development of staff had been supported through a regular system of appraisal and training. However the provider had not ensured that there were enough suitably qualified and experienced staff who knew the needs of people.
The provider had audit systems to assess and monitor the quality of the service but they were not being operated effectively.
We found that a record taken to a safeguarding enquiry had not been kept securely.