17 September 2013
During a routine inspection
One person told us that he was very happy living in the house with the other people and that he was supported by the staff to do the things he wanted to do. He told us: 'I like it here. I do different things when I feel like it. They [staff] ask me what I want to do. I go out. I go to the pie shop and I get my magazine.'
People's needs were assessed and care and treatment was planned and delivered in line with their individual support plan.
We spoke with two of the people we visited and asked them if they felt safe living in their house and with the staff that support them. Their comments included: 'I like the staff. I think they are very nice and look after me' and 'I'm safe living here.' And 'I painted the fence and had a birthday party. They [staff] look after me.'
Information was available to demonstrate that all staff had received appropriate safeguarding training and all staff we spoke with during our inspection visit understood the different types of abuse and what action they would take if they had any concerns.
We saw evidence to confirm that staff were receiving appropriate training to enable them to carry out their job roles effectively and safely.
We found that the provider had appropriate systems to monitor the quality and standard of service being provided to people in the community.