During our inspection we spoke with eight patients who used the service. Two of the patients were also members of the Patient Participation Group. We also spoke with eight members of staff, including two GPs and the practice manager. Most patients we spoke with were very positive about the care and treatment they received, all but one patient told us that they would recommend the practice to others. Patients told us that they were treated with dignity and respect and that they felt safe using the service. Comments received from patients about the service included, 'It's good, I got breast cancer, the doctor called me out of hours to talk to me to tell me he was here if I needed help' and 'It's as good as any other practice in the area.'
We found people were protected from the risks associated with medicines. Most patients on long term medication told us that they were satisfied with the way their medicines were managed and that their medicines were kept under regular review.
There were systems in place to manage complaints received about the practice. We saw that patients were supported to feedback their comments and complaints and that they were acted on.