We carried out an inspection of High Street Surgery and the branch practice, Abbey Surgery, on the same day. This report provides information for both the main and branch practices.Patients' privacy, dignity and independence were respected. One patient told us, 'I can get an appointment when I need one. I know I have to ring up the practice first thing and they can find me an appointment.'
Feedback from most of the patients was positive. One patient told us, 'My care's been ok here. The doctors have been good.'
We found the main and branch practices did not have a defibrillator. Staff did not have access to appropriate emergency equipment at both the main and the branch practice.
The practice had not ensured patients and staff were protected from the risk of infection. Medicines were not kept safely. We found that controlled drugs at both practices were not stored correctly.
We saw some records of training courses which staff had attended, including chaperoning patients and safeguarding children. We found that none of the three staff whose files we checked had completed appraisals annually or supervisions regularly but the practice manager planned to start staff supervisions from February 2014.
We spoke with four staff who were positive about the practice team. One staff member said, 'The whole team works together really well.'
The practice was not monitoring and assessing the quality of services provided in a regular manner.
We checked if audits and risk assessments had been completed for infection control, medicines, staff training and fire. We found some audits and risk assessments had been completed but these were not carried out regularly.