We spoke with six patients who attended the surgery on the day of our inspection. They were all very positive about the practice. Comments included 'It's good here' and 'The service is very good.'We observed the waiting area when patients arrived to reception. We saw that staff dealt with enquiries as discretely as possible to limit the possibility of other patients hearing. One member of staff said 'We don't answer the phones at the front desk and use our patient system reference numbers rather than names if we have to have a conversation.'
We saw the practice had safeguarding policies in place for both children and vulnerable adults. There was an identified lead clinician with a clear role to oversee safeguarding within the practice.
We saw the practice was clean, tidy and well maintained. Personal protective equipment and hand hygiene gel was available throughout the practice.
We found staff received regular training and supervision. Staff told us they felt supported by their managers.
We met with four members of the Patient Forum. They told us they were fully involved in setting objectives with the practice for the year ahead, and contributed to any changes required to the questions in the annual patient survey. They said they were listened to and felt that patient opinion and feedback was always welcomed by the practice and suggestions were acted upon.