Castleford Medical Practice is located in The Health Centre, Welbeck Street, Castleford and provides primary care to 5437 patients. The practice is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to provide the following regulated activities: diagnostic and screening procedures; family planning; maternity and midwifery services; surgical procedures and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
The practice provides safe, responsive and effective care for all population groups in the area it serves.
We found a proactive approach was taken to involve and seek feedback from patients and staff. The practice is developing systems to monitor and improve the quality of service. Patients we spoke with and those who completed CQC comment cards felt supported and were treated with dignity and respect.
There are effective systems in place to ensure the service is delivered to the widest range of patients with varying levels of need. There is good collaborative working between the practice and other health and social care agencies which help to ensure patients receive good care that meets their needs.
The practice manager joined the team in May 2014 and is in the process of making sure systems, processes, policies and procedures meet current guidance and best practice. As a result procedures were not fully embedded at the time of our inspection. Improvements are needed in documentation and checks relating to medicines management and recruitment procedures.