We spoke with six patients during our visit. All of the patients we spoke with were generally pleased with the service they received from the practice. One patient said, 'Everyone is friendly and polite'. Patients told us that the doctors were approachable and happy to answer their questions.We saw that the practice had policies and procedures in place to help protect patients' privacy and dignity. The staff we spoke with were familiar with the procedures. None of the patients we spoke with had any concerns in this area.
We found that care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that met patients' needs and protected their rights. Patients were able to be involved in decisions about their treatment.
We found that patients received their treatment in a clean, hygienic environment. The practice had suitable arrangements in place to ensure patients were not placed at risk of cross infection.
We were satisfied that the provider made all the appropriate checks on staff before their full employment started. The practice manager regularly checked to ensure that healthcare professionals employed at the practice were correctly registered with their appropriate professional body.
We saw that the practice carried out a range of audits on a regular basis to monitor the quality of its own performance and to learn from any mistakes made. The practice had an active and effective patient participation group.