Updated 21 March 2019
North Wingfield Medical Centre is registered with the CQC to provide regulated activities with the provider being a partnership consisting of one female and one male GP. This inspection was undertaken as the provider’s registration had changed from a single-handed GP to a partnership in September 2018, and we inspect all new registrations within their first 12 months.
The practice is registered with the CQC to carry out the following regulated activities - diagnostic and screening procedures, family planning, surgical procedures, maternity and midwifery services and treatment of disease, disorder or injury.
North Wingfield Medical Centre is situated a few miles from Chesterfield in Derbyshire, in a semi-rural area.
The practice has a contract with NHS Hardwick Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) which is made up of 15 general practices. The practice provides services to approximately 3,750 patients under the terms of a personal medical services (PMS) contract. This is a contract between general practices and NHS England for delivering primary care medical services to the local community.
The age profile of registered patients is mostly in line with local and national averages, although the percentage of people in the 65+ year age group at 22.3% is above the national average of 17.3%. Average life expectancy is 78 years for men and 82 years for women, comparable to the national average of 79 and 83 years respectively. The general practice profile shows that 56% of patients registered at the practice have a long-standing health condition, compared to 56% locally and 51% nationally. However, some conditions such as diabetes showed higher rates of prevalence compared to average figures. The practice scored four on the deprivation measurement scale; the deprivation scale goes from one to 10, with one being the most deprived. People living in more deprived areas tend to have greater need for health services. The National General Practice Profile describes the practice ethnicity as being 98% white, 1% Asian, 0.2% black, and 0.7% mixed race and 0.1% other non-white ethnicities.
There clinical team consists of the two GPs, supported by a practice nurse and two healthcare assistants, one of whom also works as the practice care coordinator. A new female salaried GP had been appointed to work one day each week in the practice and was due to commence their role on 1 March 2019.
The non-clinical team is led by a practice manager and is comprised of a team of eight administrative and receptionist staff, one of whom works part-time as a care coordinator.
The practice opens from 8am until 6.30pm on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. It opens from 7.30am to 8pm on Wednesday, and from 7.30m to 6.30pm on Friday. Appointments before 8am and after 6.30pm are pre-bookable in advance and the practice reception is not open during these times.
Patients can obtain late weekday appointments between 6pm-8pm, and weekend appointments on Saturday and Sunday mornings and bank holidays, via a local extended access to GP services scheme.
The surgery closes between 1pm and 4pm on one afternoon most months for staff training. When the practice is closed, out of hours cover for emergencies is provided by Derbyshire Health United (DHU).