We spoke with six people who used the service who had attended on the day of inspection for an appointment. These patients were randomly selected. All agreed to us observing their consultations and speaking to us after this took place.We spoke with staff that included; the practice manager, two practice nurses, a receptionist and the registered manager, who was the lead general practitioner (GP). We also spoke with a midwife who although not employed directly by the surgery offered a service to people. We also spoke with the representative of the Patients Representation Group.
We used a number of different methods to help us understand the experiences of people who used the service. We spent time talking with people and observing the interactions between staff and people. We reviewed records and systems.
When registered the provider declared compliance with all outcome areas.
We found that people were treated with respect and had treatment options discussed with them. People felt involved in their care and treatment.
We saw that there were effective infection control measures in place to prevent the spread of infection.
We looked at the processes that the practice had in place to ensure the people who used the service were protected from abuse. These processes ensured staff had an understanding of adult and child abuse and what to do if it was suspected.
We found that people understood how to make a complaint or how to raise concerns. They were helped to complete this process if necessary. The provider responded to complaints and kept these under review.