Updated 20 March 2018
Newbridge Surgery is registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) as a GP partnership. The practice is part of the NHS Wolverhampton Clinical Commissioning Group. The practice holds a General Medical Services contract with NHS England. A GMS contract is a contract between NHS England and general practices for delivering general medical services. In May 2016, the practice became part of Wolverhampton Total Health Primary Care Home. The Primary Care Home, known as (PCH1) consists of individual Wolverhampton GP practices. All the practices continue to maintain their own practice list.
Newbridge Surgery operates from 255 Tettenhall Road, Wolverhampton, WV6 0DE. The practice provides a number of clinics such as long-term condition management including asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. It also offers child immunisations and travel health as well as minor surgery.
There are approximately 4,751patients of various ages registered at the practice. The practice is in an area considered as a fifth most deprived when compared nationally. Deprivation covers a broad range of issues and refers to unmet needs caused by a lack of resources of all kinds, not just financial. People living in more deprived areas tend to have greater need for health services. The practice has a higher proportion of patients aged 65 years and above (35%) than the expected England average (27%). This could increase the demand for flexible appointments such as home visits.
The clinical staff team currently comprises three GP partners (Two females and one male) one working full time (nine sessions) the other two GP partners work part time, one doing five sessions and the other six sessions. Other clinical staff are a practice nurse and a healthcare assistant who both work part time hours. Clinical staff are supported by a practice manager, office manager, four reception staff and three administrative staff, employed either full or part time hours. The practice is a training practice for GP registrars to gain experience and higher qualifications in general practice and family medicine.
Newbridge Surgery opening times are Monday to Friday (except Thursday) 8am to 6.30pm and 8am to 5.30pm on Thursday. The practice offers extended opening hours for booked appointments on Wednesday between 7am and 8am. The practice has an open access clinic, where patients are invited to turn up before 11am each day to see a GP without an appointment. The practice offers extended hours on alternate Saturday mornings alternating with another local GP practice within the primary care home hub. All patients with GPs within the hub can make an appointment on any Saturday for a GP consultation between the hours of 8am and 2pm. At all other times 6.30pm to 8am patients are advised to call the NHS 111 telephone service where telephone calls are directed to Vocare, the out of hours service.
Additional information about the practice is available on their website www.newbridgesurgerywolverhampton.nhs.uk