During our inspection on 17 July 2014 we found the practice to be welcoming with friendly staff. Patients told us they were happy with the appointment system. One patient told us, 'I can get an appointment quickly, particularly if there is something wrong with my children. They are happy to see them at the drop of a hat.'We saw that guidance regarding consent was available to staff. The clinicians we spoke with had a good understanding of this. Patients and their representatives who we spoke with confirmed this.
Patients told us the staff treated them respectfully and were helpful. There was a system in place for the recall of patients with long term conditions. We saw evidence that this was provided to patients registered at the surgery and those registered patients who lived in residential care homes.
We saw that staff spoke politely to patients and visitors to the surgery. Consultations were carried out in private treatment rooms. One patient told us, 'The nurse was very helpful. I was told what was wrong, they explained the medication and how to take it properly and that I needed to come back tomorrow.'
Information was clearly displayed for patients, including health promotion, access to support services and information about the practice and the services provided.
We saw that the practice worked in partnership with other services, to review unplanned admissions to hospital and plan care for patients identified as needing end of life care.
Staff we spoke with had a good understanding of safeguarding of vulnerable adults and children. We found that guidance and contact information regarding safeguarding was available to all staff.
All staff had access to appropriate support and training. We found evidence that staff had received regular training, supervisions and appraisals. Appropriate pre-employment checks had been carried out.
The patients we spoke with were happy with the practice and did not have any concerns or issues about the care and treatment they received. The practice had systems for monitoring comments and complaints to ensure that any issues raised were responded to appropriately and in a timely manner. When issues had been raised the practice had policies and procedures in place to deal with them appropriately.
We saw there were systems in place to ensure records were accurate and maintained.