4 March 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We therefore imposed compliance actions and told the provider they needed to make improvements in these areas. On 4 March 2014, we reviewed the action the provider had taken on the non-compliance to ensure this had been addressed effectively.
We found that the provider had reviewed their documentation and made sure that this was comprehensive and consistent in approach, in respect of pathways for standard operational procedures, including GP Registration, medication prescribing and drug testing. Previously it had not been clear in the records that GPs had been consulted in respect of medication requirements for people and there was the risk that people could 'double prescribe'. The new guidance reduced the risk of this from happening. We saw that a revised contract for treatment programme had been generated, so that people were clear in respect of the medication expectations within the programme.
It was clear that the provider had made significant improvements within their internal systems and processes so that these would assist them in driving future improvement.