Wareham Surgery was located at Streche Road, Wareham, Dorset, BH20 4PG. The practice had no branch surgeries, nor did it dispense medicines. At the time of our inspection there were approximately 7,900 patients registered at the service.
Wareham Surgery was registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the following regulated activities:
- Diagnostics and Screening
- Maternity and Midwifery services
- Surgical Procedures
- Treatment of disease, disorder or injury
We spoke with patients and staff employed at the practice during our inspection. Patients spoke positively about the staff employed at the practice and the level of care they received. Patients told us they felt the practice was safe. They told us that care was given to them in accordance with their wishes following a discussion about different treatment options available. Patients told us they felt the practice was responsive to their needs. For example, patients said that an urgent appointment could always be obtained on the day they contacted the practice. This was reflective of the information provided of the practice website and within the practice welcome pack.
As part of our inspection we took a GP as part of our team. They evidenced the practice was effective in the way it provided to care to people. In addition to the evidence obtained by our inspection team, the supporting data and documentation we reviewed about the practice demonstrated the practice performed very well when compared with all other practices within the Dorset Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) area.
We saw that the practice was well led, with a clear leadership structure in operation. The staff we spoke with spoke highly of the management within the practice and told us they felt supported in their roles.
The supporting information reviewed during our inspection demonstrated the practice had appropriate systems in place that monitored the safety and effectiveness of the care provided.
During our inspection our inspection team spoke with the provider about patient groups. The patient groups were;
- Older People
- People with long-term conditions
- Mothers, babies, children and young people
- The working-age population and those recently retired
- People in vulnerable circumstances who may have poor access to primary care
- People experiencing a mental health problem