8 March 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
The provider was supporting relatives to visit with people safely. Visiting was facilitated in the conservatory, allowing visitors to enter without walking through the main home. Visitors remained seated by the open door and windows were opened to ensure adequate ventilation. Additional measures included a visiting screen, provision of personal protective equipment (PPE), rapid testing, and health passports. Health passports requested relevant information, such as if the visitor been abroad in the last two weeks. Visiting was strictly by appointment only.
We observed staff wearing PPE during our inspection. Staff had received training about how to safely manage their PPE. The provider completed competency checks to ensure staff continued to wear, apply and remove their PPE in line with the most recent guidance.
Nominated staff assumed the role of ‘Champion’. Champions facilitated daily meetings with staff to discuss COVID-19 related concerns and updates to COVID-19 guidance.
The provider ensured staff were organised to limit the spread of the virus. For example, ensuring staff working with people who had confirmed COVID-19 didn’t come into contact with people and staff who were COVID-19 free. The provider had also set-up an additional and separate staff room to ensure members of staff did not mix.
The provider re-organised the home in response to COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the virus. For example, during the outbreak people with confirmed COVID-19 were isolated in bedrooms on the top floor. Additional measures that remained in place included seats in communal areas that were spaced to ensure social distancing.
There were robust arrangements to manage laundry, this included walking soiled or used laundry down an external staircase to the laundry-room for washing. This meant the laundry was not walked through the home and helped to prevent the spread of infection. There were hand-washing facilities available in the laundry-room and the windows were open to ensure adequate ventilation.
When the service had experienced an outbreak of COVID-19, staff stayed overnight in tents on the lawn to help prevent the spread of the virus.
The provider had implemented a testing programme and worked in line with published guidance when results were positive. Staff, visitors and people were tested regularly.
The provider had arrangements in place to safely welcome new admissions into the home. This included rapid testing prior to and on the morning of entry into the home, temperature checks and a period of isolation.