25 July 2013
During a routine inspection
During our inspection we spoke with five people, one of the dentists, two dental nurses and the clinical governance manager. We looked at the treatment records of five people.
All of the people we spoke with said they were happy with the care and treatment they had received. One person said, 'It's very good.'
Dental records provided good information about the treatment people had received, their medical history and the frequency of follow up visits.
We found that the decontamination process for dental instruments followed guidelines and should ensure that people would be safe from the risk of cross infection.
Staff selection and recruitment procedures were robust to ensure that suitable staff were employed to look after people. People we spoke with were all complimentary about the staff. One person said, 'The staff are very good.'
People who used the service had access to the practice's complaints procedure and could be confident that their concerns would be acted upon.