• Doctor
  • GP practice

Patience Lane Surgery Also known as Dr Praveen Gutta

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Patience Lane, Normanton, WF6 2JZ (01924) 890729

Provided and run by:
Dr Praveen Gutta

All Inspections

During an assessment under our new approach

Patience Lane Surgery, also known as Dr Praveen Gutta, is an NHS GP practice which provides primary medical care services to patients living in Normanton near Wakefield, West Yorkshire. We carried out an announced assessment of one quality statement, equity of access, under the key question Responsive at the practice on the 4 March 2024. We carried out the assessment as part of our work to understand how practices are working to try to meet peoples demands for access and to better understand the experiences of people who use services and providers. We recognise the work that GP practices have been engaged in to continue to provide safe, quality care to the people they serve. We know staff are carrying this out whilst the demand for general practice remains exceptionally high, with more appointments being provided than ever. However, in this challenging context, access to general practice remains a concern for people. Our strategy makes a commitment to deliver regulation driven by people’s needs and experiences of care. The assessment of the quality statement equity of access includes looking at what practices are doing innovatively to improve patient access to primary care, and sharing this information to drive improvement. Overall, Patience Lane Surgery is rated as good, and the key question of Responsive continues to be rated as providing a good service. We found that the practice had organised services to meet patients’ needs, and that these services were accessible to them. We saw that the practice had put in place measures to improve patient communication routes and overall accessibility. In addition, we saw that the provider worked closely with their Primary Care Network, and their local extended hours provider to increase the range of services on offer, and expand hours of operation when patients could be seen. The practice sought out and used feedback and other data and information to monitor and improve access to their patients.


During a routine inspection

This practice is rated as Good overall.

We carried out an announced comprehensive inspection at Patience Lane Surgery on 15 January 2020. Dr Gutta registered with the Care Quality Commission on 2 April 2019 to deliver and manage services to patients at Patience Lane Surgery, Patience Lane, Normanton, West Yorkshire, WF6 2JZ. Prior to this change in registration Dr Gutta was a partner at the Patience Lane location, and there was continuity between the clinical and non-clinical staff.

We based our judgement of the quality of care at this service on a combination of:

  • what we found when we inspected
  • information from our ongoing monitoring of data about services and
  • information from the provider, patients, the public and other organisations.

We have rated this practice as good overall and good for all population groups.

We found that:

  • The practice provided care in a way that kept patients safe and protected them from avoidable harm. Staff told us they felt safe working at the practice and were supported by visible and approachable leaders.
  • Patients received effective care and treatment that met their needs. Outcomes for patients were regularly monitored. The practice had achieved 100% uptake in all four childhood immunisation uptake indicators which exceeded the WHO based national target of 95% (the recommended standard for achieving herd immunity).
  • Staff dealt with patients with kindness and respect and involved them in decisions about their care. We were told of several examples where staff went ‘the extra mile’ to support patients.
  • The practice organised and delivered services to meet and respond to patients’ needs. The provider had reviewed and improved outcomes for patients in a number of areas including diabetes, mental health and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Patients could access care and treatment in a timely way. The practice scored higher than the CCG average in every question of the 2019, GP Patient Survey, 99% of patients said they were involved as much as they wanted to be in decisions about their care and treatment.
  • The practice had an active and engaged patient participation group. We saw that the views of patients, staff and external partners views were sought and acted upon.
  • Staff reported they felt supported by leaders at the practice. On the day of inspection the team demonstrated that they were aware of the ethos of the practice. Staff were aware of their own individual roles and responsibilities and were committed to meeting patient needs.

Whilst we found no breaches of regulations, the provider should:

  • Continue to ensure that the backlog of patient notes is summarised in a timely manner.

Details of our findings and the evidence supporting our ratings are set out in the evidence tables.

Dr Rosie Benneyworth BM BS BMedSci MRCGP

Chief Inspector of Primary Medical Services and Integrated Care