About the service: HFH Healthcare Limited is a home care agency. It provides nurse-led personal care and treatment to children and adults living in their own home who have spinal or brain injuries, neurological conditions or genetic diseases. Some people may also be living with dementia, a learning disability or autism, mental health needs and/or sensory impairments.
At the time of our inspection approximately 50 children or young people and 100 adults received a nurse-led home care service from this agency. Around 30 people using the service received 24-hour care from live-in staff.
People’s experience of using this service:
¿ At this inspection we have continued to rate the service ‘Good’ overall.
¿ However, the service’s rating for the key question, ‘Is the service well-led?’ remains ‘Requires Improvement’.
¿ Although most people using the service, their relatives and external health care professionals told us the quality of the care they were provided with by this agency remained either ‘good’ or had improved in the last six months; we continued to receive mixed feedback from people about constantly changing care staff and the negative impact this had on the continuity of care they received.
¿ We discussed this on-going issue with the newly registered manager who acknowledged the action they had already taken to improve continuity of care would take more time to be fully implemented and for everyone to feel the benefit. This included employing more nurses and having core groups of care staff working together in one area with the same service users. Progress made by the provider to ensure people consistently received good quality care from staff who were familiar with their needs will be assessed at their next inspection.
¿ This issue notwithstanding, people and their relatives told us staff were always polite and kind towards them. Staff also respected people’s dignity and privacy. They listened to people and supported their independence where possible.
¿ People were kept safe from the risk of harm. Potential risks to people and staff were assessed and managed appropriately. Staff had a clear understanding of how to recognise and report abuse and neglect.
¿ Risks to people had been assessed and were regularly reviewed to ensure people’s needs were safely met.
¿ Staff were safely recruited to ensure they were suitable to work in a care service. People received support from trained and supervised staff who had the right skills and knowledge.
¿ People were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in the least restrictive way possible; the policies and systems in the service supported this practice.
¿ People’s needs and individual preferences were documented in their care plan, which were personalised and routinely reviewed to ensure they remained up to date and accurate.
¿ People had been consulted about their support needs and involved in helping staff develop their care plan.
¿ People, their relatives, professional representatives and staff all said they could approach the registered manager if they had any issues or concerns. There was a procedure in place which explained how people could raise concerns or complaints.
¿ The provider had effective systems in place to assess and monitor the quality and safety of the service people received. This helped the service continuously improve it's practice and to learn lessons when things went wrong.
¿ The provider worked in close partnership with other health and social care professionals and agencies to plan and deliver a safe, effective service.
Rating at the last inspection
At the last inspection the service was rated ‘Good’ overall (Report was published on 27 December 2017).
Why we inspected
This inspection was brought forward by approximately a year due in part to concerning information we received about the higher than expected number of safeguarding alerts and complaints raised in relation to this service in the past 18 months. The ongoing information shared with Care Quality Commission (CQC) about these safeguarding incidents and complaints indicated potential concerns about the way the service was managed, which we examined as part of our inspection.
Follow up
We will continue to monitor the service to ensure that people receive safe, compassionate, high quality care. Further inspections will be planned for future dates in keeping with our inspection methodology (See above).
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk