27 January 2014
During a routine inspection
People who used the service were involved in the planning of their treatment. People we spoke with were overall positive about their experience with one person telling us, "They understand me, and what I need. I have no complaints and am very happy with CRI.'
People who used the service were protected against the risk of abuse because the provider took steps to address this before it occurred. Staff received appropriate training and development in relation to safeguarding adults and children.
We found that people were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.
Staff we spoke with told us that they felt supported by the management team to perform their role. We saw from records we looked at that staff received regular training, annual appraisals and supervision sessions to support them appropriately. One staff member told us, 'It is spot on, the training is brilliant now.'
We saw evidence that the service responded to people's feedback and evaluated the quality of the service they provided through regular monitoring.