Updated 25 November 2024
Date of Assessment: 2 December to 17 December 2024. The service is a Domiciliary Care Agency (DCA). This assessment was prompted by a review of information we held about the service. At the time of the assessment the service supported 61 people with personal care. At our last assessment, the service was in breach of regulations regarding staffing, medication, risk management and governance. The service had made improvements and is no longer in breach of regulations. Staff knew how to safely support people. Staff understood, assessed and mitigated risks and followed individualised care plans. The provider had improved their quality monitoring systems, however, these processes needed to be fully embedded and built upon to ensure any quality improvements were identified in future. Whilst overall people received their medicines as prescribed, further work was required to ensure people’s records were always fully detailed and up to date. Staff were safely recruited; however, we noted one issue in relation to safety checks which the provider had not identified, they addressed this straight away. People were treated with kindness and compassion. The provider had focused on improving the quality and consistency information within people’s care plans. People knew how to give feedback and were confident the provider took it seriously and acted on it. The provider gave information to people; however, they needed to ensure everyone understood how they could access or have a copy of their care plan. Managers were visible, knowledgeable and supportive, helping staff develop in their roles and staff felt valued by the management team. The provider promoted a culture of openness and learning. However, they needed to ensure they fully understood all the regulatory requirements in relation to notifying CQC of certain incidents as required.