15 October 2013
During a routine inspection
Aster Care Limited had policies and procedures in place that ensured that people's individual needs and wishes were assessed and recorded prior to them receiving care.
People's care needs were recorded in a person centred plan of care that was kept under regular review. Risks to people were assessed and plans to reduce and monitor risk to both people using the service and staff were recorded.
We examined staff training records that showed us that people were protected from risk of abuse and their care was planned and delivered in a safe manner.
Staff were well supported and received training specific to the people they were supporting. People that used the service were very complimentary about the staff and said they were kind and competent.
There were processes in place to monitor the quality of service being provided and people were involved through questionnaires and quality audit visits.
Comments from people that used the service included. 'My care is absolutely brilliant. I have gone from needing no care to twenty four hour care and the staff team I have allocated to me have made it so easy.'