We spoke with four people who used the service who told us that they felt involved in the planning of their care and understood the range of treatment options available to them. We saw that there was a range of information provided to people, and that people were treated in a dignified manner. One person said, 'I didn't know what to expect, but [key worker] has explained to me the options and I feel a lot happier and more hopeful now.'People who used the service were encouraged to develop and plan their own treatment, however this was not always recorded in sufficient detail by the staff. People we spoke with were overall positive about their experience with one person telling us, "I have just had my assessment and to be honest I am looking forward to starting, particularly the relapse prevention group."
People's health, safety and welfare was not always protected when more than one provider was involved in their care and treatment. This was because the provider did not always work in co-operation with other services.
People who used the service were protected against the risk of abuse because the provider took steps to address this before it occurred. Staff received appropriate training and development in relation to safeguarding adults and children.
We found that people were protected against the risks associated with medicines because the provider had appropriate arrangements in place to manage medicines.
We spoke with four members of staff who all told us that they felt supported by the management team to perform their role. We saw from records we looked at that staff received regular training and supervisions sessions to support them appropriately. The service was implementing a formal appraisal system to review people's development.
We saw evidence that the service responded to people's feedback and evaluated the quality of the service they provided through regular monitoring and audits.
We looked at the records of eight people who used the service and found that accurate records had not been maintained in relation to people's treatment.