• Care Home
  • Care home

Jubilee Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Potter Hill, Greasbrough, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, S61 4NU (01709) 557776

Provided and run by:
Jubilee Care Home Limited

Latest inspection summary

On this page

Our current view of the service


Updated 6 March 2024

Jubilee Care Home provides accommodation and personal care for up to 59 people. The service was also registered to provide nursing care; however, this provision was not in use at the time of our visit. At the time of our assessment there were 55 people using the service. Some people were living with dementia. This assessment took place between 18 March 2024 and 8 April 2024. The assessment was triggered by concerns we had received about the service. At the time of our inspection there was registered manager in post. The provider had made improvements to the governance systems since our last inspection. Systems had been effective in identifying concerns and putting them right. Some new systems had been implemented by the registered manager and required further embedding into practice. The provider had also made improvements associated with risk management. People received support which was carefully planned to meet their needs. Care plans and risk assessments were informative and in line with people’s preferences. People had access to enough numbers of staff who were skilled and knowledgeable in meeting their needs. Staff were recruited safely and had pre-employment checks to determine their suitability for employment. The provider ensured people received safe care and were protected from the risk of abuse. Accidents and incidents were monitored so that trends and patterns could be identified, and future risks mitigated.

People's experience of the service

Updated 6 March 2024

We spoke with 6 people and 4 relatives on the day of the site visit. People told us they felt safe, and staff knew them well. One person said, “I have no worries here [Jubilee Care Home].” Another person said, “I feel safe because if I press my buzzer there is somebody [staff] there.” People's feedback about the service they received was consistently positive. People were satisfied staff had the skills and knowledge to support them in line with their needs. People's relatives told us their family members were safe and well looked after. They were kept informed about changes in health or incidents and accidents. Relatives felt the provider was open and honest when things went wrong and learned lessons to mitigate future incidents. People told us staff respected them and were kind and caring. One person said, “Yes, they [staff] treat me with respect and dignity. They [staff] are lovely people.” Another person said, “There are plenty of staff and they’re all very kind.” Relatives told us staff were friendly and approachable.