• Care Home
  • Care home

Amberley Care Home

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

28 Delaunays Road, Sale, M33 6RX (0161) 825 8222

Provided and run by:
Amberley Care Home Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 11 October 2024

Amberley Care Home is a nursing home providing nursing or personal care and the treatment of disease, disorder and injury for up to 72 people. The service provides support to adults under and over 65 years old, people living with dementia, people with physical disabilities and people with a sensory impairment. At the time of our assessment, there were 56 people living at the home. We completed our assessment between 13 November and 22 November 2024. We visited the home on 13 and 19 November 2024. We assessed 19 quality statements across all key questions. People were cared for safely and risks were identified, mitigated and reduced. Staff were aware of the risks people faced and how they should support people to remain safe. The provider strived to continually improve and reflected on what they could do better and learned from accidents and incidents. The premises was safe and internal and external checks were regularly completed on equipment. Staff were recruited safely. Staff received support and training to enable them to carry out their roles. Medicines were safely managed. People, their relatives and staff felt confident any concerns could be raised and addressed appropriately. The home was clean and tidy. Infection control was well managed. Care records captured people’s choices and preferences. Staff were able to access care records directly from an electronic device. Staff understood the importance of gaining consent from people before providing care and support and prompted people to retain their independence. The registered manager was well respected and had been key in identifying, embedding and maintaining improvements across the home. Governance processes were robust and assisted the provider in identifying area’s to further improve on. Staff felt well supported and respected. The registered manager had created an inclusive environment for all which was echoed by comments from people, their relatives and staff.

People's experience of the service

Updated 11 October 2024

People were happy living at Amberley Care Home. People and their relatives told us the staff were kind, caring and respectful. Relatives told us the home was operating the best it had ever been and the impact on their relations life had been positive. People received support from a consistent staff team who knew them well. We saw friendly and dignified interactions between people living at the home and staff. People were encouraged to be independent, and we saw for several people, moving into the home had given them a new lease of life. Staff had supported some people to improve their mobility. People were encouraged to lead sermons and celebrations and join in activities such as the choir, music therapy, exercise classes and flower arranging. Family members told us they had peace of mind, knowing their relation was safe. People could receive visits from their families and friends freely and families were encouraged to be involved in people’s care and support.