Risks to people's health and welfare were assessed and care was planned and delivered according to people's needs. People received safe and coordinated care, treatment and support where more than one provider was involved.We inspected the outcome regarding protecting people from abuse because concerns had been raised with us prior to the inspection. We found people were not protected from possible abuse because senior staff failed to identify some unexplained bruising as a potential safeguarding issue.
People benefited from equipment that was comfortable and met their needs. People told us there was enough furniture and equipment in the home. One person told us 'I can always find somewhere comfy to sit.' Another person
Said, 'The hoist is always available when I need it.'
The provider regularly monitored the quality of service provided. However nursing staff did not benefit from a formal structured one to one supervision process.
People's complaints were investigated in a timely manner. Two people spoken with told us they were confident their complaints would be dealt with quickly. One said, 'Oh if I had any worries or concerns I would tell X. She is the manager and would soon sort it out.'