- Community healthcare service
Archived: Bradwell Hospital
All Inspections
17 July 2013
During an inspection in response to concerns
Overall, patients and their relatives told us that they were satisfied with their care. A patient told us, "The staff are really good to you, they really look after you.' One relative told us, 'My mother in law has been here three weeks and she has improved dramatically while she's been here. She's leaving today to move into a nursing home.' Not every patient felt listened to and involved in decisions about their care.
We saw lots of examples of good nursing care and people being treated with kindness and respect. We heard some staff refer to patients by a number or their condition, rather than their name. One member of staff informed everyone in the dayroom that, 'I am going to get my lady off the toilet.'
All the staff we talked with liked working at the hospital. Some staff told us that more nursing and support staff were needed to ensure that patients' needs could always be met. Patients told us that they felt safe and that staff responded to their requests for help but the wards could get very busy and this sometimes meant having to wait for assistance.
We also spoke with local health and social care providers, who were generally positive about working with the hospital.
We found that records were not always fully completed or detailed to support decision making and the review of patients' needs.