As part of our review of Dorset Healthcare University NHS Foundation Trust's community services we talked with people who receive support from the following teams;Wimborne and Purbeck Community Mental Health Team
Community Brain Injury Service
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (Tier 3) based in Poole
Bournemouth Community Learning Disability Team
South and East Dorset Community Drug and Alcohol Team
Bournemouth, Poole and South and East Dorset Crisis Home Treatment Team.
In total we talked with 31 people who use these services and 11 relatives. We also met with 31 staff during our review to obtain their views of the service they provide.
People told us that staff work in partnership with them to ensure that they are able to contribute to their care plan. As a result of this, the support they receive is based on their individual needs and wishes. People reported that they had good working relationships with staff which had enabled them to make positive changes in their lives. They told us that they felt they were treated with respect and that staff provided them with a flexible service which took into account their personal lifestyles.
People reported that teams had responded well in emergency situations and they had received the support they required during difficult times in their lives. We heard that staff liaised with other agencies on behalf of people who use the service to ensure their needs were met. People felt that the staff who supported them were knowledgeable, skilled and caring while being professional in their approach. People had confidence in staff to give them the help they needed.
People told us that, in their experience, there were some specific areas of service delivery which could be improved. These were in relation to waiting lists for assessment and treatment, a fully co-ordinated approach to care, the suitability of the environment where they had appointments, their awareness of the Trust's complaints procedure and their understanding of how information about them was recorded and shared.
However, overall, it was clear that people felt that they received high quality care and that receiving support was a positive experience for them, their relatives and carers.