- NHS mental health service
Tameside Mental Health Services
All Inspections
16 April 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We received an action plan from the provider in January 2013 and an updated plan in March 2013.
At this inspection visit we spoke with one person who received a service, a pharmacist and nursing staff from three wards.
The person who received a service said that both medical and nursing staff discussed their medication with them. They said that staff gave them 'When required' medication if they asked for it. They said they were satisfied with the service they received.
We found that people who wished to self administer their medication were risk assessed. The risk assessment was countersigned by the pharmacist. We saw that staff recorded in people's nursing notes (on two out of the three wards visited) the times of 'When required' medication had been administered. We saw good examples of physical health care plans on Summers Ward.
9 November 2012
During a routine inspection
We spoke with people who received services on two out of the four units. They told us that they felt involved in their treatment and care. One person told us 'Doctor [name] discussed my care plan with me at great length'. Another person said 'I am positive about the care I am receiving'.
The sample of care files we looked at contained detailed information and we saw evidence that people signed their agreement to their admission to the ward. We saw that people's mental health and physical care needs were assessed.
We heard that people's cultural and religious needs were respected and supported.
We checked the management of medication on two of the wards and found some practices needed to be improved.
We observed positive interactions between people and staff. One person said 'Staff make a conscious effort to help vulnerable people'. Another person said 'I feel I am with people I can trust'.
Staff told us that they received training, had regular meetings to discuss their progress and felt supported to do their job.
Reporting and monitoring systems of safeguarding incidents and complaints were in place. People told us that they would raise any issues or concerns they had with the ward manager. We heard 'I feel very safe here'.